Sorry I have been slipping on updating my blog lately. I have been a very busy girl but just haven't taken the time to sit down and put it into words and pictures.
To start off, yesterday was my 49th birthday...(where have the years gone...I still feel 29). Age is just a number...that's what I say now but next year when I turn 50, I might be rethinking that statement. But my Mom always says "You know how to stop getting older don't you....die young" so that statement, from a very wise woman, has always made getting another year older not big deal to me :)
Here's another statement she used to say to me a lot while my kids were little and they were fighting and making messes and doing things kids do to make a Mother's head spin right off her shoulders...she would say...."this too shall pass"...and she was right. But now I miss those good ole days!!!!!
To start off, yesterday was my 49th birthday...(where have the years gone...I still feel 29). Age is just a number...that's what I say now but next year when I turn 50, I might be rethinking that statement. But my Mom always says "You know how to stop getting older don't you....die young" so that statement, from a very wise woman, has always made getting another year older not big deal to me :)
Here's another statement she used to say to me a lot while my kids were little and they were fighting and making messes and doing things kids do to make a Mother's head spin right off her shoulders...she would say...."this too shall pass"...and she was right. But now I miss those good ole days!!!!!
And for my son Kasey....well, you know how boys are not sentimental.....he did give me a gift on facebook though which was pretty funny. He said when I come home to Spooner he has a card for me until then..he gave me his humor which he has plenty of, he has ALWAYS had a way of making me laugh, even when he was a little boy......He is also my precious gift from God!!!!
Here is what I have been working on the past few weeks
Years ago when my kids were little, I used to knit and Step-Mom taught me how. While I was pregnant with each of my 3 kids, I would sit at night and knit or crochet a baby afghan for my baby and was so excited to wrap them up in it during our homecoming from the hospital.
All 3 of my kids, who are now adults, still have the baby afghan I made especially for them. But as the years have gone by.....knitting and crocheting have not been high on my list of hand work. But because I admired the pillows displayed on the blog and found that the pattern was posted....I got out some yarn and started in.
So seeing we moved last fall.....we could not find the apron I made for her last year so I had to whip up a new for this season. Along with putting her name on it, she also wanted a bible verse on the pocket. This is her favorite bible verse Hebrews 12:1 and she will be sporting it with pride this summer as she runs around at Jo's like a chicken with her head cut gets VERY busy there which is a good thing.
Well, that's about it for now. I am heading to my sewing room to finish up projects and probably start new ones knowing me. Hope you all have a BLESSED day....until next time....God Bless...Rhonda
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