I don't know if you guys are Annie'd out yet, hopefully not, because here's another one.....I just finished her up today.
If you want to join in on the fun...visit Leslie's Blog and let us know what you did today.
What a beautiful day today, it was sunny and warm. I even went for a walk. It felt so good to be outside without freezing to death. I have to tell you a funny story and how God used it to show me a truth in life.
I was walking past a house on my walk...I had my I-pod cranked up and was singing and walking. All of a sudden I saw this dog coming out of a driveway toward me. He was big but looked like an older dog (harmless) and I thought he was coming to greet me so I turned and was even getting ready to bend down and pet him...but....the closer he got all I could see was teeth and gums...he was growling and definitely not the kind of GREETER I wanted to be greeted by!!!!!! I thought to myself...WOW....I really called that wrong, from afar he looked so friendly and harmless, he was a wolf in sheeps clothing, I can still see his teeth and gums in my mind.
This experience made me think of many times in life we think something looks so harmless and fun...but things are not always what they seem. Satan tries to get us to bend down and pet what is not of GOD...but if we really take a closer look and think about it.....it is really a teeth show'in mean dog ready to rip our life apart.
What a wonderful word picture God showed me today...Thank you Jesus. I only want what is of God in my life....Lord, guide me to your ways and your plan and help me to know the difference...Amen.
God Bless...Rhonda
I have just come across your blog. I so enjoyed my visit. Your prims are awesome. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. I've added you to my favorites so I can continue to be inspired. :o)
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