This little gal is extremely primitive. She can either sit or hang as a door doll. She measures 19" long and 9" wide and was made with love by me :)
My girlfriends and I have had many, many fun shopping/lunch dates together and this little gal being offered up today would have been something we would have bagged and tagged along with candles, pottery and antiques. I can't tell you all the laughs and memories I cherish in my heart and I thank God everyday for my girlfriends and the time we spend together.
To be eligible to win this little gal, please post a comment on this post sharing with me what you and your girlfriends do when you get girl-time together. I will put your name in my drawing and the drawing will be held on Wednesday, February 3rd which I will then announce the WINNER!!!
Have fun....and good luck!!!!!
God Bless, Rhonda
Have fun....and good luck!!!!!
God Bless, Rhonda
She is amazing!!
I dont get to hang out with my friends as much as I would like but when you do, we usually go somewhere to eat. Then spend hours at the table talking and laughing. Yes, to the point where we start to get "stares" from the waiter and the other people around!! Ooops! Hehee!
Wish me luck on the giveaway! :)
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win your wonderful prim doll!
Thanks for the chance,
~ Tam
What a beautiful prim doll. I have made dolls, but can't seem to get the prim look, like that. Most of my friends do not craft, so when they come over, they tend to walk out with my things;) I would love to have someone to craft with.
I love this doll, so prim! I enjoy any time I get to be with my girlfriends...I think one of the more fun activity we do is to go to movies and then out for a coffee and just share what is happening in our lives...I think it is so important to listen to each other and to know that you have their back and that shoulder of trust. So please put me in your drawing I would love to have her in our home.
Oh isn't she sweet? I love her! My outings with friends always include trips to favorite prim shops, garage sales, or thrift stores..and of course after all that busy shopping lunch is always in order. Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway!
We usually get together with our husbands and they are friends from highschool so we always have alot of fun but none are prim! I'd love to have a friend to share this love of mine with:)
Your doll is just so prim and would love to hang her on the wall:)
Thanks for having this giveaway.
Rhonda, I adore your doll! She is wonderful! I would love to have her! When I get together with my best friend we go to lunch together once a week for starters. We also set aside a few times a year that we head over to Idaho and go shopping. Usually around thanksgiving when the really large craft show is! It is so fun! Thanks for doing such a wonderful giveaway, and congrats on your 100th post! I love your prims! Jayne
What a wonderful lil dollie!...Please enter me into your fabulous giveaway...she would be the cutest addition to my new master bedroom!..I am very "picky" about the dolls that I do collect..and she is just the right fit...LOL
She is beautiful...but it doesn't surprise me because your work is amazing!
I would love to have her grace my home.
I don't get the chance to hang out with girlfriends with all that is going on in my home...but if I did, I would love to spend a girls day watching a movie, going out to lunch and a little thrifting! That would be a perfect day!
Hope your day is going well!
Beautiful giveaway doll! Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thnaks for this opportunity
She's beautiful! I would love to be entered in your giveaway and would be proud to display her here. :)
My girlfriends and family are all out of state but when we do get together, it was usually for a 'chick flick' and dinner. We could spend hours just talking and catching up.
Take Care,
What a beautiful, prim doll! I
would love to have her in my home,
move over teddy bears! My friends
are out of state, also, but we do
visit when I go back to TX...We
don't shop much together anymore and
none of them are prim, anyway...
Thanks for the chance to win her.
Bear Hugs~Karen
When we can get together.....we shop for prims and hit garage sales to see what we can make prim. I love your doll and would love to win her!!!
wonderful doll!! My very best girlfriend is my 15 year old daughter. We love to shop together. We paint and decorate together and watch girly movies together.
Hi there! I would love to win your amazing Dolly! Used to be, my friends & I would grab a quick bite, shop & errnd, but found it wasn't "feeding" us enough of the rigth "stuff". So we got together and scheduled a Bible study in my friend's home. We hug, laugh, weep, and study together now. We sing praises, have our prayers & study, then share a simple meal, and an easy dessert. The time & fellowship has enriched us all, and we've grown so much through the process. We schedule the next meeting before we leave for the day, we call it "Sister's Day", even though none of us are really related to each we feel like we are! It's wonderful just sharing.
I have really been enjoying your blog. Loved the tips for waxing muslin bunnies. Planning to do Valentine hearts!
I love your doll as well. You are indeed crafty. Unfortunately my craftiest talent is purchasing what others make! LOL. Seriously, my best work is make overs or make dos.
My best girlfriend is my daughter and we do so many things together. We Goodwill shop, make salt dough ornies, sew, cook, gossip, scrapbook, share music and photos, eat out, eat in, read magazines and watch L&O SVU! I do have a girlfriend from high school and that was 42 years ago. We get together once a month to share what is going on with our families and drink coffee.
Puleeze put my name in the drawing!!!
Oh My Gosh Sweetie...
She is just precious, and just sings of love. Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound...I so love her. She has a "Happy Heart". Just absolutely beautiful.
You asked me what me and my girlfriends do when we get together. Well we talk a lot, we have lunch, then we usually shop a lot, and when we aren't shopping, we are around a table crafting. Sharing what we have learned with each other. I so enjoy the fellowship of friends. What would this world be without them.
Thank you for asking sweetie. I so love your little "Grace" she is just shining with beauty.
Thank you for the opportunity to be in the drawing for her. Ahy of us would be so lucky to win her.
Country hugs sweetie from Country Wings in Phoenix, Sherry
Mom! You are so popular! I love it!
I'm entering, but If I win.. draw again.
Favorite past time with my friends is RUNNING! :) Of course. Come visit me soon. Love you and miss you!
Oh, how I love this giveaway! She's precious. I wish getting together with my friends happend more often than it does, but usually it's going out to the movies or having tea at one of their houses while the kids are at school. We'd laugh for hours. Oh, and the movies would always be the ones that our husband would hate to see.
Please enter me in your drawing.
Country Bumpkins
Wow! I hope I win her she is so prim perfect!! When my girlfriends and I got together we always went out to dinner first then did some shopping! I don't get to spend time with them anymore, but we talk on the phone now!!:0) Thanks for this generous giveway!!
All I can say is she is ADORABLE! You never cease to amaze me with your talent. I am so blessed that you are my sister. What would I ever do without you!!
Love you sis,
Oh Goodness, she is wonderful. One of my BFF's moved away, her husband is a Pastor. So when she comes to visit, she gets to stay with us at our house, We have our other friends over and sit around a camp fire. We tell stories, catch up with each other & then take turns praying together for each one & our families. Thanks for entering me.
God Bless,
Our favorite thing to do is lunch and shopping, although we have also spent days craftint & quilting together - that just takes a lot more preparation! LOL Hope I'm your lucky winner - what an adorable doll!
Oh my goodness!! Love this little girl!! Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway. I get together once a week with the girls to quilt. We each have our own projects. We start out with show & tell, sew and laugh for awhile, eat a wonderful lunch and them go back to quilting for awhile. It's something we all look forward to each week.
Wow! I love her!! I feel so bad that you aren't around your buddies too much. When my girlies get together, we chat and laugh. We do crafts and we go church on Wednesday evenings and to the dance class Zumba every Thursday. Don't know what I would do without them.
Please enter me. Thanks, Kim
the prim schoolmarm blog
My best friend and I go to Lancaster, Pa. 2-3 times a year, for craft shopping, amish buffets, and lots of laughing.We will spend one or two nights. We usually are laughing so much at night, that someone pounds on the wall next door. This is not teenagers, but 50 year old best friends. And I love your doll, would make her a great home. Hugs!
I would love to win your beautiful doll.. she is just lovely!
I meet up with my GF's at the local Health Food stores. We have a healthy meal and a good girl chat.
Love the doll. She would look great in my post and beam house.
angel2cook @ aol . Com
Ohhhh...she is awesome "perfectly Primitive"! I would love to invite her to my house. I have the perfect spot! When we get together we play cards...laugh...have alot of fun! Thanks for the chance!
Love the doll and I'm hoping she'll love her new home! lol
Believe it or not, I don't share my prim passion with any gfs..but with my BIL and nephew. We love to travel to the shows and we're always looking for primspiration..(they make prim decor/furniture) We have a blast because we're equally obsessed with it all!
She is just too cute for words. I have the spot all picked out for her already...
When I hang out with my girlfriends - besides talking until we are hoarse.. we go primitive shopping, fabric shopping & auctioning..
Here is my email just in case I am the lucky one
I just love your blog and your creations. This is such a wonderful doll. I love the wax dippings too. I am going to have to give it a try. Keep up the "AWESOME" sork.
Well, girlfriend, as you know I love to have you girls over and do pedicures! Remember the time I gave you and some other girlfriends a foot rub with some wonderful smelling stuff from Ruth?? How much fun can a bunch of girlfriends have!!!! Hope you are having fun with Carol! Earl
Thank you for the chance for the beautiful doll.
I don't get to hang out with my friends as much as once did with the hours that we work now. We do occasionally get together and cross stitch and quilt.
She's just as sweet as can be and I'd be honored to have her come live with me!
I enjoy getting together with my friends and doing some type of crafting and/ or prim shopping. we usually make a whole day of it!
Blessings to you~ Birgit
My best friend is 3000 plus miles away, but before I moved, we went to the all the stores to deliver our goods, and had a blast shopping and hanging out and stopping for lunch and Starbucks or Seattles Best!
Now we talk on the phone nearly everyday to make up the difference :-)
My family is really close and when we get together we eat, shop, talk and take tons of pictures! We have a lot of fun just being together!
Thank you for the great question and the opportunity to win this gorgeous doll that would make a lovely addition to my prim home!
Have a Blessed Day,
My lifelong best friend and I were going to grow old living next door to each other. We did everything together and could stay up all night just talking and we would never run out of anything to say. Sadly she died 7 years ago and I never thought I would ever have such a good friend again. Being an adult, it can be hard to new friends. Well God has truly blessed me with a new best friend. Our families get together on weekends and we attend church and have dinner together. During the week, we love to go to thrift stores and yard sales. We also have started sewing together (both of us are new to it). Our kids are all basically the same age and both families had to relocate to find new jobs. God is awesome.
What a wonderful doll you have created!! I don't get out with my friends too much but when we do we usually go to lunch and talk about family. crafting and, business tips.
I love the doll, i would so love the chance to win her.
As for hanging out with friends, dont have any close by that share my interests. I am usually too busy tending to family or crafting anyway.
I love your cute little prim gal and would love the chance to win her!
We have some friends that we get together with about once a month and just play cards and eat munchies!
But I would say that my daughters are really my BFF. We do a lot of things together. Next weekend we've signed up for a class on making valentines chocolates!
I LOVE your primitive, count me in!!!
The primitive doll is precious. I have two college roommates where the three of us have stuck together through our weddings, kids graduations, our kids weddings, and now sharing our grandkids. When we are able to get together from three corners of the state-hopefully at least once a year-we laugh, talk, and enjoy ourselves as if we have never been apart! 40 years of friendship.
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