I had planned on just watching everyone today because I didn't want anything done to my hair and didn't think it was fair for me to do someone but then not want anything done to my hair by them. Well, that flew right out the window right away in the morning..... my friend Lindsey asked me if I would color her hair and so of course I said YES, I will have to say that I was a little nervous because this was my first time ever coloring a real persons hair....but I LOVED IT!!!!
Then, after lunch, my friend Jessica asked me to foil her hair...she wanted blue and pink streaks. I said "WHAT" blue and pink.....o:k. So I went from this morning being nervous about coloring Lindsey's hair black.....to being thrilled and excited to foil Jessica's hair blue and pink....who knew that when you start coloring..... you don't want to stop. I LOVED TODAY, I can't wait til next Thursday, we are out on the clinic floor again, but this time we have real clients. I am giving a perm.....woooo hoooo!!!!!
Today was an awesome day, I know I am going to LOVE doing hair....Thank you Jesus for the opportunity to learn this trade!!!!
Just had to share it with you all:) Blessings, Rhonda
oh I loved loved my beauty college days..they were so much fun...you did a great job..have fun.:)
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God Bless You :-)
Looks like you had some fun!!! Love it! You rock! Earl
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