All in all, school has been wonderful but also very consuming. I have A LOT of homework that does not wait for anything and that makes it a little hard for anything extra especially when we go home to work on the house on weekends. My husband has to do a lot of the work by himself while I am at my daughter's working on homework. He has been very understand about all the homework, both during the week and on weekends. I am hoping that the load will lighten soon, but I do know that when it is all over with, it will be worth it.
I have made some really nice friends at school. Even though I am much older then they are, they all treat me like one of the gang and that means so much to me!!!!! We go to lunch together, help each other with our hands-on projects and also our homework, they are all so sweet and make school very fun.
I love all the teachers too, they are so helpful and are very understanding that we are learning everything at a break-neck speed and give us mercy when we don't get things right away. I am a very blessed girl to be able to have this opportunity of going to school and I thank God that he has allowed me to do it. I have realized something very important that I have known all along but sometimes need to be reminded of....I CANNOT do ANYTHING without JESUS....without JESUS helping me through this school journey or any other journey this life takes me through, I could not survive it. HE keeps me focused on what is really important and really valuable in life!!!!! He is my ROCK!!!!! HE is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and NO ONE comes to the Father except through him!!!!!
House Progress
Last weekend, we went home and painted the whole interior of our house. My daughter and son in-law, Brent and I, and my step-dad worked like dogs. We got the job done in 2 days and I was very proud of our work.
Well, that's about it for now, sorry I have not posted for a while. With school, it has been a bit harder to keep up with my blog every week but I will for sure make the time to post when I can. I LOVE blogging and will not stop no matter how busy I get.
Thank you all for tuning in, I appreciate it so much. Until next time....Blessings, Rhonda
glad to see you are balancing school with the other bring back so many wonderful memories of beauty was one of my happier the colors you chose for your home..its cominig along..can't wait to see the kitchen cabinets in and of course all the rest of your stuff..have a wonderful week;)
Keep going girl! You are doing an awesome job! Love the perm!!!! The house seems to be coming together! Miss seeing you! Earl
Thanks Gina, beauty school is fun but I can't wait to get out and start making some money:) We have a house to pay for,LOL!!!
Earl, I miss seeing you too...we are coming home again this weekend, hopefully I will maybe see you then. Take care...Blessings, Rhonda
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