My daughter Alyssa came to spend the weekend with us and I truly enjoyed it!!!! We really didn't do much, just relaxed most of the weekend. She did have some homework to do, so while she did that I cleaned my closet. I put my summer clothes away for the season seeing winter seems to have begun already. We made homemade pizza and pumpkin pie on Saturday, college students ALWAYS enjoy home cookin!!!!! I also made her some veggie soup and sent it back to college with her. She was thrilled!!!!!!
Whatcha Workin On Wednesday
After a relaxing weekend with my beautiful daugher, it was back to work for me on Monday. I have SO many ideas running around in my head, sometimes I can't think straight. I have started a notebook listing all my ideas just to get them out of my has helped some. As you can see from the picture below, I have a lot of irons in the fire right now. My sister and I are doing 2 craft shows in November so we both have been very busy, busy, busy.
As you can see, I have a lot of staining and painting to do.
As if I don't have enough to do right now, I enrolled in a quilting class. The class is held on Wednesday nights and it is a beginner class. Tonight was the 2nd class and so far, I really am enjoying it. I have made quilt tops before but have NEVER finished any of them. I think I have been really intimidated by the binding so I decided I needed to learn the right way to do the bindings. And seeing I am new to this town, I also thought it would be a good way to meet people also.
I LOVE making my dolls but it was kinda nice to work on something else besides dolls for a change. When I learn to do this quilting thing, I am anxious to finish up the quilt tops I put on ice years ago. My Mom rescued one of my quilt tops a few years ago thinking she was going to finish it but she didn't finish it either. She just gave it back to my last winter. Won't she be surprised when she finally sees that quilt finished....I will make you proud mom :)
Well that's about it for now. If you would like to share what you have been working on, stop by Leslie's blog and post your day with us. Until next time....God Bless, Rhonda
What awesome pieces! You are a talented crafter and I love the snowmen. So far I've never finished the binding on my quilts as it scares me too!
Best wishes
Your pizza looks so yummy! We often make homemade pizza here, too, but I never get to use interesting toppings. I should just buy extra dough and make myself one!
You have lots to work on but I'm sure you'll get it all finished :)
Your quilt is very pretty! Great work :)
Boy yu have been bust..I envy you will all your dolls at least sewn...for me that is the hardest/worst part. Mr. snowman is indeed adorable!!! Never tried quilting, always thought it would be too hard for me to learn!
Oh dear..just read my post ;0) Your not bust-lol BUSY... Very Very Busy, not sorry..and you have been.. not yu...oh my I need to read before I post.LOL
You are so organized in your projects! Wow I wish I had all of that in the works! The pizza and the pie look amazing! I make homemade pizza and it's always so good!
Sis, you are amazing! I love everything you are making. That snowman with legs is adorable!! We are going to have a HOT booth!
Love you,
Your favorite sister
I'm a nut.
That was a good pizza.
You are sleeping in the guest bed and I am sleeping on the couch. I have a fractured spine but really it's fine. I'm fine. lol (I'm kidding) I LOVE YOU MAMACITA!
You definitely have a lot going on here. I know what you mean about needing to write things down so you can get them out of your head. I sometimes have to do that too. The quilt top is looking great!
Oh my you've been busy!! Look at all those little body parts. LOL!
That's so good that you got to spend some quality time with your daughter. My kids look forward to Friday nights as we always make homemade pizza for supper.
Your quilt is beautiful and I do love the colors!!
Hugs & blessings to you~ Birgit
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