Today, let God lead you down the path HE has for you....just take it one day at a time...that's all we have anyway!!!!
As I stated in my last post, my sister, my daughter and I are gearing up for our 3rd annual craft show in Spooner. This year we will be at the Legion Hall on November 22nd and the Methodist church on November 29th. I have been busy, busy, busy working on snowmen, Santa's, mice, stitch pictures, prairie dress and Christmas bowl filler. Here are some pictures of my work in progress. I will post pictures of them finished when that happens.A row of Santas, all are at different stages in the game. I am working on them without a clue at what I am doing, I believe that gives them all their own personality because they just turn out by some miracle.
This one does not have a beard yet but he will in time.
This one is coming along nicely. I bought two different kinds of sheep wool off ebay and have been experimenting with them both. I have never worked with this wool before so I am not sure what I am doing but I will keep trying. If you are wondering what he is holding, it will be a snowman. :)
Here are my chenille snowmen drying in the sun after going through the coffee staining process.
Here is my idea for my chenille snowmen, I am going to place them on a evergreen lighted base....what do you think. I am excited, they are taking shape but have a long way to go. I know they will be adorable when I get them finished. I LOVE ANYTHING WITH WHITE LIGHTS!!!!
Here is my prairie dress. I stitched a pic on the apron....cute for hanging in a room to bring in a warm cozy comfortable feel.
The blog will not let me add anymore pictures so I will go for now and get to work. By the looks of it I have a lot to do. I hope you all have a BLESSED day.
Love you all....Rhonda
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Can't wait til the craft show in Spooner
Posted by Rhonda at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Last weekend I went HOME!!!! I know that I am for now, living in Wisconsin Rapids because of Brent's job, but Spooner is and always will be my HOME. It was so nice to see familiar sites and familiar people. I went to Economart and seen my buddies, I miss my job so much!!! Not that wrapping meat in a meat department is glamorous, but it was a great place to work and my co-workers were like family to me, (well one really was, I worked with my brother Derrick there, he is one the butchers). I can't believe that I worked there for 7 years....time flies when you're having fun. Our horses......The GREATEST and SWEETEST horses in the whole world.....Gretta is at the water tank, Malachi is in the middle, and Bo is looking straight at you. He is the boss...he is 25 and still going strong...WHAT A MAN!!!!!!!
Brent and I stayed at Travis and Kara's house, They are such great hosts. They made us supper on the grill Friday night and breakfast Sunday morning...steak and eggs. It is so nice to sit at the table in the morning as a family and enjoy a hot cup of coffee together, life does not get any better then that. On Saturday, Brent built an insulated water tank for the horses. That way Kara and Trav will not have to haul water to the horses in the winter. It was nice to see the horses I really miss them and it was nice to spend time outside on a beautiful day. My daughter Kara Sheilda taking down her hanging baskets and fall decos for the winter.
My daughters Kara, Alyssa, and I went to Pillers for lunch on Saturday (yes, while Brent was slaving away on the water tank) was soooooooo good....all 3 of us had the poor boy mmmmmm. Here are some pics of us enjoying out time together. Alyssa enjoying her coffee at Piller's
Kara and I
I always cherish my time with my girls, they truly are the best gifts God gave to me!!!! Alyssa and I ended up going to Hayward after lunch. Kara didn't want to go...sometime it takes a bomb going off to get Kara out of the house, she is a real home body. Alyssa on the other hand is always ready to roll. We went to our favorite hot spots in Hayward and then finished it off with a trip to the thrift store. They were having an all you can stuff in a bag for $2 sale so I got some sweaters to make my Santa hats out of...what a find. Last summer Alyssa became my garage sale buddy. She wasn't real sure about it at first but, we hit a good one and she was hooked. So every Friday, we would grab the Advocate (the Spooner paper) and map out our route and head out. We usually stopped at Alley Cat's for coffee sometime during the course. It was a great time we shared together and I hope we can do it again this summer. So anyway, she has also become a thrift store shopper too. Kara, Trav, Sandy, Aaron
Aaron, Sandy, and Mike (Kara's in-law's) stopped over to show us Aaron's Halloween costume. Aaron had a school dance Friday night and they could dress up if they wanted to and of course Aaron was all over that. Needless to say, they had a costume judging and Aaron won....good job Aaron!!!!! Kara and Garrett
Kara and I stopped in to see our little grandson Garrett (Mandy's son). He is getting so big. He crawls with lighting speed and is a very busy boy.
Well, that's it in a nut shell. I always enjoy going home and spending time with my precious family. I miss them sooooo much!!!! I am going home again on November 22 for a craft show that my sister Sheilda, Kara and I are doing in Spooner. I can't wait!!!!!
God Bless, Rhonda
Posted by Rhonda at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
I LOVE to Stitch
Here is my one of my favorite fall stitchery creations. I enjoy sitting and stitching, it is so relaxing!!! My husband always says, "you don't watch TV, you listen to it" and he is right.
It was such a gorgeous day today so I decided today was the day I would go exploring. So I took my TomTom One (my GPS) and we headed out. I punched in Plover, is about 23 miles from Wisconsin Rapids. There is good shopping there.....I could get in trouble. I am not used to having stores so's great. My first stop was Micheals, I didn't find anything there but it was nice to browse. Next stop...The Good Will, I hit the jackpot. I picked up about 15 vintage picture frames for my stitch pictures, what an excellent find. Then it was off to Hancock Fabrics and of course I got fabrics, I can never past up interesting fabrics. All and all it was a great trip.
Have a BLESSED weekend!!!
Posted by Rhonda at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Fall Stitchery
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Cranberry Harvest
Travis, our son-in-law, running one of the beaters at harvest.
Floating cranberries
Noah and I enjoying a beautiful day at the cranberry marsh.
Brent and Noah enjoying the day.
It's that time of year again...shorter days, cooler nights and cranberry harvest. Here we are, my husband, I and our precious grandson Noah. We are in front of a cranberry bed that has just been picked. The berries are floating and ready to be taken off the bed and put into a semi trailer for delivery to an Ocean Spray Plant. It is a beautiful site when the beds are red with floating berries. Growing cranberries is a great way to make a living and a wonderful way of life. Happy Harvest to all the farmers!!!!
Posted by Rhonda at 6:06 PM 2 comments
Labels: Cranberry Harvest