My vacation is officially over, tomorrow it's back to school for me. I am actually really glad to be going back because I want to get school over with so I can get to work and start making money:), 7 more months to go.
Anyway, I did enjoy my time off though. Brent and I spend most of the time in Spooner enjoying our new house and also enjoying our family. We had Mandy and the boys over for supper one night as you can see, baby Levi really enjoyed dessert.
A Little Prim'in
We came back to Wisconsin Rapids last Monday which gave me a few days to enjoy sewing before I start back to school. I made up some cats, some little hens, Easter eggs, Valentine hearts and some bunny ornies. I took them all to Country Freckles on Saturday, but forgot my camera so I didn't get to take pictures of my finished creations. I am going to go to Country Freckles during my lunch break Tuesday, so I will take some pictures then and post them.
My Wonderful Husband, A Man Of Many Talents
Now, on to the good stuff. My very manly man, who is not only an amazing house builder, bull-dozer operator, cranberry marsh builder, Mr. fix-it and handy man had one more talent up his sleeve.....he is a colorist and he didn't even know it:)
I was soooooo desperate to have my hair colored before I started school tomorrow (sitting in the classroom with 18-22 year olds, sportin a HUGE gray streak down the middle of my head, is NOT something I want to do if I can help it). So because we are back in Rapids now, and he is the only one available to help, he got drafted.
He is such a good he is mixing up the color after I measured out everything.
I am a blessed woman to have such a wonderful husband....he is soooo good to me and I thank God for him everyday. I am sure there are many wonderful husbands out there that would color their wives hair for them when asked.....I am just glad I was lucky enough to get one of them!!!!!! I better head to bed now....6am comes awful fast!!!!!
Blessings to you all until next time:) Rhonda
You are so funny! It was fun to see a few times at the store! Thanks for the hen pictures, I love chickens!!!! Blessings, Earl
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