Low Carb Flaxseed Rolls
The post Low Carb Flaxseed Rolls appeared first on Cookie Madness. Original
Author is Anna.
This is a recipe I came up with about two years ago when I wa...
Beef and Rotini with Garlic Parmesan Sauce
There’s something truly comforting about a hearty pasta dish, and this Beef
and Rotini with...
The post Beef and Rotini with Garlic Parmesan Sauce appear...
Changes at home and Block 3 of The Sewing Room...
Once again, as appears to be my habit this year, you're receiving the next
block in my 2025 BOM, The Sewing Room, a day early. But I do not think
Spring Cabbage Bunny
Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so looking forward to Spring! We are currently covered in about 6” of
snow and extreme cold!
I’ve been busy creatin...
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
Stock your freezer up with these easy and convenient make-ahead Freezer
Mashed Potatoes. There's nothing better than having homemade mashed
potatoes on han...
Crocheted Dishcloths Christmas 2024
🧵✂️🧶 Hi Friends! Happy November! I recently purchased some yarn to start
crocheting dishcloths to share with others over the Christmas holiday.
I ...
⭐ Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram ⭐
* Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram *. The Single Best Strategy
To Use For wiring schematic They can’t keep up with it. You almost
certainly ...
Farmhouse Fun
My son was lucky enough to be able to rent a farmhouse that was built in
the late 1800s. It still has some of the original charm mixed with some
really bad...
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies...
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are definitely a Christmas tradition around here.
I've been making these for eons! (just kidding... over a decade, but
a year away
So, I haven't written anything in a year! I don't think anyone reads this
,but me anyhow!
A lot has happened in this past year! I refused back surgery, tr...
Nisn Sman 1 Pandeglang
Bila Anda mencari *nisn sman 1 pandeglang* anda datang ketempat yang tepat.
kami mempunyai 27 gambar tentang nisn sman 1 pandeglang termasuk gambar,
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
I've been meaning to tend to my blog but it seems there's never enough
time. Today with all of the Facebook issues, I realize I need to do this
sooner than...
From BOURBON to BABIES---it's Finally HERE!
Hello All----just a brief note to let ya know that I listed a bunch of
stuff on Etsy---it's my whole new bath and body line---I am so excited to
Part 6......Last summer
*So here is our little house as of summer 2017...The willow tree has grown
and has to be trimmed several times during the season to keep it this
Farm Chicks and Quilts
What a wonderful quilt Geni made! I asked some of the gals to help with
some samples and look at this wonderful Farm Chick quilt Geni stitched up.
New Etsy Listings......
*Happy Monday!! It sure is going to be a hot one today. I just love the
warmer weather and the sunshine!! I just wanted to let you know that I will
be lis...
Make Do and Mend
My sewing machine has been inaccessible, but on Saturday I pulled
everything away from it and piled it in the hallway. And I've been sewing!
(Next I need t...
~ Autumn 2016 Decorating ~
Greetings friends! I hope all is well with you and yours. This post
brings you a few pictures of this year's fall decorating. It's always an
exciting ti...
Bowling in Slovenia
Want to spend an active night? Then we recommend you visit the bowling.
Bowling is the perfect game for fun. It is suitable for entertainment or
for celebr...
I am still sewing, but not getting as much done as I would like to. I have
a new little Annie doll that I finished up a little while ago. I call her
Summer Happenings
It's been awhile since my last posting. Here is an update on what's been
happening the last few months.
Mary and Ken have been joining us for BINGO. The...
Moving Day
OK - for those of you still here (you haven't been following me on
Facebook?)....no worries, I've finally got things started on my other blog.
Kitchen Helper
I asked Carson if he wanted to help me make a chocolate cherry cake this
afternoon, and the obvious answer whenever he hears the word 'chocolate'
was, "yes...
Pumpkin Bread
I couldn’t have said it better than my mom did: It’s fall!! It’s time for
Pumpkin Bread! Here is what she wrote to me in an email when I asked her
about th...
I am a christian woman who loves Jesus with all of my heart. He has blessed me with 3 children, a son Kasey 29, a daughter Kara 25 and a daughter Alyssa 20. They are the joy of my life. I have 3 grandsons Noah 3, Garrett 9 months, and Carson 8 months. I am married to a wonderful, kind and gentle man who treats me like a queen. I am truly a BLESSED woman.
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