I am going to be staying with my daughter's Kara and Alyssa so I am sure they will also keep my very busy...they always do :)
Anyway, here are a few prims I finished up last week
I have some good news to share with you all. I have been waiting to make sure it was really going to happen before I shared it. WE ARE FINALLY GETTING OUR NEW HOUSE!!!!!!! We picked out all the colors and windows and such yesterday. The house is being started on Oct. 1st and we should be able to move into it the middle of November....can you believe it.....NO MORE RENTING!!!!! Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness.
Brent and I went for a ride on Sunday and we saw this herd of cattle. We stopped to visit them and I had to take a few pics. They are so funny....very curious!!!! I LOVE animals I could have totally been a farmers wife....I guess I am....a cranberry farmers wife :) Anyway, when we get settle at the cranberry marsh, I plan on getting chickens...I LOVE to watch them and also listen to the roaster crow.
Well, I will not be able to update my blog until next week so until then, God Bless you all and have a GREAT week. Rhonda